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The crop is yielding results, it's a good day to stand back and admire the fruits of labour.  Hands on beats hands off any day, all you gotta do is try.  Haru would tell you courage is in the doing without preconceptions, only the goal of finding the new and maintaining the now. 
You can never go back.


A Pushing Mono Corner event item. The presented colourful work here is a 1000yen Animate store P5 release commemoration bonus purchase gift. One of a set of 8 exclusive bromide-format art cards. This slightly smaller than postcard size often given away for promotion or a purchase bonus.   The barcode use isn't clear to us, do you what it's here for?



~This item qualifies for Lettermail super affordable shipping~!

Animate Store P5 Bromide Cards: The Haru Bean

SKU: 00654
Out of Stock
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