First off, sorry for being absent in the blog. really not much to openly promote while i work on a lot of things behind the scenes. A huge Thank You!! to those who supported Null Non-Grata this year. Most importantly, Canada Post is on strike so any orders that happen now will have to wait until the Postal service in Canada resolves it's strike action. This is truly suck for everyone, and at Christmas when we would make most of our sales, we are making none. In other news, I have been working on a streaming set up for music and getting to talk about Persona based news. On https://www.youtube.com/@NullStreamStreamNull I will be streaming music and games such as Metaphor Refantazio on a regular basis starting in the near future. I expect this coming week. I tend to get caught up in grandiose ideas and work tirelessly until i make them happen so I've been pulled away from active content generation and I'm not sure what format i want it to take right now.
I have high expectations of myself that tends to hold me back.
Regardless, over time i hope to continually up the production values. As you may or may not know, this site is a one person operation. I do my best to keep everything organized. Like many others though, life makes things challenging and I'm doing my best to keep the rough waters away from this site.
One other less than positive experience is a rare Persona 3 hardcover book was severely damaged by Buyee consolidators and Buyee is not taking responsibility by hiding behind their "insurance" policy. seems a lot more like an "extortion" policy to me. The only video we have up on our You Tube channel is proof of the damage to a comiket only release hardcover of the first release of the Persona 3 The Movie key frame art. I am devastated and have a ticket open with Buyee for over 4 months now that they seem adamant to not resolve. I plan on doing a video on this soon if Buyee fails to resolve this properly
Regardless of that, you can enjoy the unboxing video. We do not have most of the items on the site yet, but if something piques your interest, let us know. We will keep up our gaming videos as we try to improve values, the music will be streamed live and saved to Mixcloud. More on that later.
Thanks again for those who support us, I am relieved that everyone has been super happy with their acquisitions so far. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Regards, Kallen @ Null Non-grata