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Update: April 4rth 2021

It's been over a month since we launched N:N, Not much to report as time has been spent still working to get the inventory on hand put up on this site with enough information to not appear lazy or in a rush. We've a lot of new items up, though it may seem like we don't as many items go straight into archive. This action speaks to our goal of having a good historical record of SMT Persona goods among the SMT Persona pieces we sell. (of course, also items from other franchises, of which we have more on the way). This last couple of weeks I've been slower at this job due to having some sort of flu symptoms (Not covid afaik, been staying in most days/mostly recovered now). Now that I've arrived at adding Books/Manga, getting the basic information down and translating the details (ie understanding who the Mangaka/Authors are) is taking some time. The news just hit that the PS Vita, PS3 and PSP stores are all closing end of this Spring and Early summer. Since I had not acquired the digital versions of a number of titles to maintain archive copies of in English (SMT Devil Summoners/Digital Devils/P1/P2both etc) I've been spending a lot of time making sure these among other physical Atlus games are picked up before they are never available and before their physical prices go insane (as they already have).

This is our era right now. I want to take this moment to say I am disappointed in Sony and Playstation more than usual because culture should be saved and used to learn from if not fully appreciated in our hearts. While picking up items, there is no serious justification of a P2 Innocent Sin PSP game at $350. While there is a copy of P4G for Vita here already in English, sadly it does not look like we will be picking up any for the store at a fair price. While some of you can read and speak Japanese, I am sure many also cannot. This fact, combined with corporate negligence, locks away games and stories while our planet becomes more & more globalized. While I personally value that Atlus exists and that their contents are being made available to more people around the world, the company is certainly not entitled to avoid criticism. I, like many others, tend to be at the highest levels of critique over things which have real impact and have affected perceptions. Hopefully we can work to avoid the tribalist US vs THEM which can be fanboyism/fangirlism. Let's co-exist and learn from our different preferences. Rise or Marie/Makoto or Ryoji, it's all good really. It's not so good that we can't enjoy them at the same time in our own languages at launch. Respect is caring that everyone can enjoy the same opportunities to support and enjoy art while taking different things away through individual experiences and preferences. Allowance that we can all dislike different things as well without denying others their own journey. Okay, enough of that. I hope those few of you early arrivers to N:N enjoy what we've put up so far. The filters can really help you zero in on the things that really interest you and allow you to discover new art and items you may not have seen before. Use the filters to hide all the out of stock items, this will help if you're on a shopping spree... ! N:N is aiming to keep the photos at a high level, unfortunately dust seems to creep in due to our workspace and I don't notice until uploading the images. N:N will be replacing photos with better versions over time. In coming stock news, there are 3 gigantor boxes on a boat from Japan as I type this. I hope to have the majority of stock items still sitting unposted up before the boxes arrive in 2 weeks +/- There is yet another large box waiting to be shipped in the near future. As an aside, If you see something that is only in the archive, let us know if you're looking for that item and we can hunt something down if we can. We are here to share what we've found and enhance life through the small things that being joy. Email me anytime with questions, ideas, constructive criticisms at: or catch me on the Discord, I promise to respond when i check in.

Stay safe out there in all ways,

KallenX N:N Founder

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