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N:N Blog post #1

Welcome to N:N's blog that we will use to inform and discuss things of interest to our main areas of focus. Please give us time to organize quality informative pieces discussing areas from Clear Files, Japanese OSTs, Shikishis, Figma's and statues, what constitutes Doujinshi and circle creative works, and more. It will take us time to organize and fill out our site for you and kindly request patience and helpful feedback.

Why are we starting Null: Non-Grata?

Long story short, the Pandemic of 2020-2021 and onwards has left our ability to work in an unsustainable position. With an academic background in art history and narrative media, pursuing something a lot more creative than being eyes and hands in the IT realm feels far more right and definitely more appealing. After exploring, we discovered there are many areas of creative expression made manifest in physical form that transcend language and, we hope, of interest to people globally. Creating basic web business appears to be far more manageable today than ever in the past, and we aim to push the limits of what we can offer you.

What is the purpose of N:N outside of selling stuff?

Initially, we hope to create a high quality image repository of creative works and associated items conveying these graphic and sonic messages (Music, pins, figures, plushes, posters, clear files). This web platform allows us to give you a filter to find and see specifically what (and which character and respective franchises) you are most interested in. Through creating an archive in Canada eventually members of sufficient level will be able to appreciate these in person without having to own them. More on this later. Our other even further goals can be shared after successfully maintaining operations (with your support). Our journey is just beginning.

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