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First impression review of SMT V

This is a very quick review of SMT V up to the point of the Diet Building. I've been very busy, and between SMTV and NMS, my game time is eaten up. I have a few things that have been nagging at me though. Don't get me wrong, So far SMTV is really enveloping, but let's look at a few things that could be better.

Of course, this IS NOT another Persona game, this is SMT. That said I was disappointed that there was basically no character development aside from introducing some named individuals. The overall art style is great, the detail is clear but character story development is basically Nill. For examinations of moral compasses, it would have made a lot more sense to incorporate the positions of the supporting cast wrapped up in story based presentation. Atlus knows how to build characters, so why not here? All that effort to set the scene only to have substance blow off like a dune in a sandstorm. So yeah, weak start. Not enough groundwork for me to accept that random student friend is some secret shadow spy. That's all I know up to this point and it seems relatively unrealistic (in the grand scheme of Angels Vs Demons).

(Yes, I took Leanan Sidhe. better to believe in yourself and fail than surrender to the easy). The returning and new supernatural denizens are always anticipated. The upgraded animations are a lot of fun and keep me engaged in the combat. Let's get real here, the combat is the big selling point of SMT, and it's up to speed (so far). I'm playing on hard because I don't like a game without some challenge. On that point, I bought the DLC pack and the Mitama add-on was turned on by default. I was wondering WHY IS THIS SO EASY... It's since turned off because the game would be over with no effort on my part otherwise.

The Quests so far have been fun and compelling. So far nothing involving the school-mates directly, who I want to worry about but these shadow demons are more dear to me in the 5 minutes I've known them than people from school... I'd probably enjoy them even more if we could fight ina more pre-meditated way than having a sprint mechanic that I can't stop (running wildly into a crit prominent fire fight with my mermaid.) Really not a fan of the sprint mechanic. Perhaps it's an issue from the Switch Controllers? While I enjoy looking things up, I'd rather have a handheld reference manual, you know like they USED TO INCLUDE WITH GAMES. Basics of new processes really should be included, it's lazy and unfair to the game to not include basic infos like the nature of the moon cycle. It's a value add that we simply do not get anymore.

The music so far is great, as to be expected a step above the majority of games out there. Nice to see some studios care to maintain their standards in some areas. Battle tracks are exciting, wandering tracks are a mix of new and old soundtrack fodder. It's appealing, fresh yet also nostalgic. Nicely done Atlus Sound Team. (N:N will put up some copies of the OST when we can. Lots to get done here).

The Hydra fight on hard wasn't too tough once I was ready for it. There are a number of Boss fights in the area that I'm not ready for. Managed to ace the egg stealing job without a hitch, but damn, it's easy to get jumped on from above in this game. The camera isn't really flexible enough to look around the whole area to be fully situationally aware. The mini-map is the only guide. It may be my dyslexic tendencies, but I always get turned around when watching it and moving. I have found myself killed a few times by cheap shots. Still not sure why some fights the opponent can get in 3 turns before I can go. Got darkness hit twice in a row for 95+ damage on a three turn enemy spree... nice.

I finished the above quest, and returned the lost talismans for the fight below. Really all have been enjoyable, challenging and well crafted. I only wish the early story was stronger to build a little more foreshadowing and care for why I'm fighting.

I'll have more to say later once I'm finished. I'm used to playing on Playstation, so not getting trophies feels sadness. I'm getting over it quick. Kallen Williams


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