I have updated a ton of the site today after a week or two of contemplation. Hopefully it's easier to navigate and more open to appreciate visually. The Instagram photos have been processed up to this point and looks like we're close to starting regular IG posting. Office work has eaten a ton of time, ensuring our inventory controls are robust as a start up. There's a large box and a fair number of harder to photo items (Posters, tapestries etc) waiting to be shot and subsequently uploaded to the site inventory. Main upside to this will be regular new items for all to enjoy, downside is it's just so much currently unpaid work lol.

So, that's where things stand. We have thousands of items waiting to be shipped that cannot be until Japan Post starts moving items to Canada again. Pros: This gives us time to make sure we can handle all these items efficiently, Cons: They are stuck and will take at least 3 months to arrive once they do. Yay? ...
Finally, our web-tech platform updated and you can now request any item that is out of stock. This is key as it tells us what to import if we find what you want. Please use this! :)