P5 - P5D - P5R

Here comes the rush! The Phantom Thieves are out and taking no prisoners, only releasing the unfortunate lost from their misguided, selfish compasses. Persona 5 takes style and music to an all-new level, Atlus left no stone unturned in the drive to make the most fun you can have while re-living high-school boredom... How can this be?? No matter, it's showtime!
We all have our favourite friends and those we admire from afar. This N:N meta section holds the spotlight for each character, their related items and as in-depth coverage as we can manage. If you feel one persona or another from the various franchise releases is missing/deserves more work or you want us to add more detail, let us know!
Our effort will take time to complete, your visits are appreciated and hope you enjoy seeing us build over time. Thank you for your patience.