We will add to this page as questions are asked.
For now we'd like to remind our customers that all customs fees are your responsibility upon arrival in your country. We will do our best to provide you with options to keep postage costs low however we cannot fabricate details of contents.
All items are described as best as possible. Some are sealed new items, others are pre-collected rarities that are in varying conditions of care.
You will see multiple pricing for items if we have it in differing conditions. We will not sell anyone broken products. If you are unsure or nervous about anything, call or connect with us for free before ordering. N:N will not refund on items sent as described.
The majority of our items are imported from Japan, however as with music, we will source interesting items from anywhere. Let us know if you want something we can add to our shop.
We may or may not be working on original items made for N:N to sell exclusively to you. Look forward to this possibility!
N:N has a small office which is available during business hours -Pacific Standard Time-. We may or may not answer the phone before 11am and after 5pm (18:00h) Weekdays.
Restocking will take time while we start growing. Your patience is appreciated, we pass on savings by receiving imports via ocean in bulk. We aim to open a Japan office in the future, however today we are working solely from our Vancouver location.
Filters: If you are stuck with seeing a pile of Out of Stock listings, please be aware you can use the Filter option on each product page to show only in stock items as well as see only specific items of interest.